Widgit Symbols

Figura 1
Imagen de pictogramas Widgit Symbols

The ever expanding Widgit Symbol Set has been developed over the past 30 years and now contains more than 12,000 symbols, which cover an English vocabulary of over 40,000 words. Widgit’s simply-drawn, colourful symbols each illustrate a single concept, in a clear and concise way, and cover a range of topics (including many curricular areas) wide enough to make them suitable for symbol users of all ages and abilities. Widgit Symbols are used all over the world, supporting 17 languages, increasing the accessibility of written text, giving readers of all literacy levels greater access to information. As the Widgit Symbol Set is designed specifically for written information, Widgit Symbol users can develop a real independence in their reading and writing.

Product identification
Number of symbols
Commercial information
Proprietary software
Forma de distribución
Precio sin IVA (aproximado, puede variar)
Fuente precio

Sellers / Distributors of Widgit Symbols

Entities that distribute the product
Table of entities that sell or distribute the product In the first column the name of the suppliers is shown, in the second "Territory" the countries where they are commercialized, in the third if it is sold by electronic commerce, in the fourth face-to-face sale and the fifth sale on request (telephone, form, mail etc.)
Entity Country E-commerce Physical Store Tele-commerce
Widgit Internet, United Kingdom Yes